Childcare 0-6 years
Danish Childcare
Childminding (dagpleje)
Childminding is for children aged 0-3 years. The children are looked after in the childminder’s own home, where they engage in activities matching their needs, well-being and development.
Flexible daycare
In Fredericia we have a number of daycare institutions. Most of them are flexible and have children at the age 0-6 years (until they start at elementary school). Others only have children at the age of 3-6 years (until they start at elementary school).
The daycare institutions employ qualified social educators and assistant social educators. At the daycare your child’s development, well-being, play and learning will be supported and encouraged. The daycare also have outdoor areas with swings, sandpits etc., and the children are regularly taken on excursions e.g. to the beach or the woods. In the daycare your child is offered a wide range of experiences and activities, and in the end are prepared for school.
When you are offered a place, you are invited to visit the childminder or institution before making a decision.
Parental payment
According to state law, parents must not be charged more than 25% of the total cost of the child's care in the institution. The payment depends on the age of the child, type of institution and how many hours per week you wish. This cost is also influenced by whether the institution offers meals or not.
Sign up
Fredericia Municipality has a ’care-guaranty’ which means you are guaranteed a place within three months after you have applied.
The guaranty is different if you apply for care directly after the maternity or paternity leave or are newcomers to Fredericia Municipality. In this case you are guaranteed a place when the child turns 30 weeks, provided you have applied three months ahead.
You cannot apply before the child is born.
You will get offered a place no later than a week before you need it. If you decline the offered place you are only guaranteed a place three months later.
You sign up at with NemID.
Which care offer am I guaranteed
You will have the possibility to prioritize between different institutions and childminders. However, we cannot guarantee to match your whish exactly, as it depends on whether there are free places left at the desired institution or childminder. In most cases we are able to match most whishes, but the care-guarantee only covers a place in the municipality, not a specific place.
When you sign up you have to choose between:
- Childminder or Nurseries/Kindergardens
- Different opening hours
- Different modules; 30, 37 or 47,5 hours per week
- The pedagogical profile of the institution
If you have any questions regarding childcare, please feel free to contact the Municipality Service Center by phone + 45 7210 7000 ans ask for the Department of Children and Youth.